
Compilation and circulation of Statistical data

Production/Sales statistical report for 12 different electrical products and one Order Book position report (OBP) is circulated to respective product division members of IEEMA on monthly basis. This report is compiled on the basis of data furnished by the members and few non-members. The annual statistical report consists of the historical trend of data for the past 10 years, estimated IEEMA share compared to overall Indian industry, list of reporting members in each category, and important observations are provided. The data is compiled using an online/web-enabled user-friendly front end. All the statistics are furnished in Ms-Excel file format for ease of members in their further strategic analysis.

Collection and compilation of data process follow to Competition Compliance rules & regulations. Individual company-wise data is never disclosed to anyone and kept confidential and only aggregate compiled statistical report is furnished to concerned division members and other stakeholders. The average lead-time of furnishing Sales/Production reports was about 50 days.

With the guidance of respective industry division members, estimation of Indian T&D equipment industry size was carried out along with the impact of EXIM data on the same.

“Electrical Equipment Industry Growth Index” reflecting growth of electrical equipment industry over the same period of last year is being regularly circulated. Experts appreciate this report as it helps them to keep track of the performance of their industry sector. This report has generated interest with Govt. officials also. IEEMA has been using this index effectively at various platforms to highlight the overall status of the electrical industry.

IEEMA also circulates Import and export data on monthly basis for major electrical items collected from select ports made available by the private agencies with a time lag of around 1 to 1 ½ month.

Various presentations were prepared at various platforms like Executive Council meetings, Capital Goods Committee, T&D Conclave, meetings with overseas partners, etc. giving the latest status of the Power Sector, updates on the growth of the electrical equipment industry, and EXIM analysis highlighting key issues like the threat of Chinese imports.

Types of Statistics and reports

Types of Statistics and reports

  • Monthly production/sales statistics for 12 product sectors and one Order Book Position (OBP) statistics
  • Annual Production Report for 12 product sectors highlighting past 10 years trend, names of reporting members
  • Monthly Export-Import statistics (Source: A Pvt. Agency, from select ports data)
  • State of Industry Report – Crisp overview of major products growth trend for past 3 years
  • Growth Index Report – A combination of growth of major electrical equipment report; weighted on respective industry turnover

Following products statistics compiled by IEEMA

  • Cable & Conductors
  • Capacitor
  • Instrument Transformer
  • Insulator
  • Meter
  • Rotating Machines
  • Stampings and Laminations
  • Surge Arrester
  • Switchgear
  • Transformer
  • Transformer-OBP
  • Transmission Line Tower

To order the report, click here
To know more about IEEMA membership, click here

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