- A better interconnect right from the college level to the R&D level to the industry is required.
- The industry academia interconnect is more like a holistic supply chain management where industries access the skill/talent pipeline
- There is a need to engage with the investor community as India is drawing a lot of interest from Venture Capital, particularly for young start-ups, students in their final year or pre- final year.
- If the Government agency is funding an applied research institution, the industry partner must be involved.
- Role of Government Agencies like DST, CSIR, DSIR is important for indirectly creating collaboration through funding prerequisites.
- The bigger industries who are putting into CSR funds should look to have their own research units and link them to Universities to get the students involved and facilitate better interconnect.
- In today’s era networking is important. The way forward is to network internationally.
- Need for a change in the framework, how we change the PHD programmes. More interest in innovation as industries may not be so keen on basic research and invention.